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✨"Biblical Principles for Business Success: Avoiding Toxic Teachings Surrounding Money"

The Gallup Poll estimates that 95% of North Americans believe in God.

Picture of the word Love
Demonstrating God's Love in Business

When we talk about achieving financial success, we often separate our spiritual life from our monetary goals. But what if tapping into the spiritual realm could actually guide us toward true wealth? Many people don't associate money with spirituality, but what if we've been overlooking a powerful connection?

Discover True Riches 💰

As my mentor frequently reminds our mastermind group, "Candidly, I think it's quite ridiculous to learn to master money and business without involving the Father of all Wealth."

The Bible itself offers wisdom on this. In Deuteronomy 8:18 (KJV), it says, "You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth."  Someone once said, "God knows where the gold is." And indeed, He does. God is the ultimate way-maker in every area of our lives, including our finances and business ventures.

Before you start thinking that the Bible advocates for poverty as a virtue, remember this: Abraham, known as "Father" by Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, was one of the wealthiest men of his time—a billionaire 💰💰💰 by today's standards. According to Genesis 13:2, "Abram was very rich in cattle, gold, and silver." These material blessings weren't curses; they were rewards for his faithfulness.

As a business owner, you have likely encountered a variety of teachings and philosophies about money and wealth. Some of these teachings may be helpful and in line with your values, while others may be toxic and harmful to your spiritual and financial well-being.

To achieve true success in business, it is important to turn to biblical principles and avoid toxic teachings surrounding money. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

  1. Put God first: The Bible teaches us to seek God first in all things, including our business ventures. By putting God first, we can ensure that our decisions are in line with His will and that we are living out our purpose in life.

  2. Seek wisdom: The Bible is full of wisdom about money and business. By studying the Scriptures and seeking wise counsel from trusted mentors, you can gain the knowledge and insight you need to make smart financial decisions.

  3. Be a good steward: As business owners, we have a responsibility to be good stewards of the resources that God has entrusted to us. This means managing our finances wisely, avoiding debt and investing in things that align with our values.

  4. Avoid the love of money: The Bible warns us about the dangers of loving money and becoming obsessed with wealth. Instead, we should focus on building relationships and making a positive impact in the world.

  5. Give generously: Giving is a key biblical principle for financial success. By giving generously, we can experience the joy of helping others and receive blessings in return.

Overcoming 😬Toxic Teaching

Many of us have been influenced by toxic teachings that equate wealth with evil, leading to spiritual immaturity and financial guilt. The notion that "money is evil" can trap you into feeling ashamed of your financial success. But spiritually mature individuals understand that wealth is a responsibility, not a curse.

As MADAM F$NANCE, let me be clear: wealth can be dangerous if it leads to greed and a loss of spiritual focus. However, God wants us to live abundantly in all areas of our lives, including our finances. It's okay to enjoy your wealth—it's a gift from God.

Ecclesiastes 5:18-19 (KJV) states: "This is what I have observed to be good: that it is appropriate for a person to eat, to drink, and to find satisfaction in their toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God has given them—for this is their lot. Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God."

Did you catch that? God gives us the ability to enjoy the fruits of our labor. The days we have, the power to work, the rewards from our efforts, and even the joy we experience are all gifts from God. It's not just an option to enjoy them—it's our heritage.

God's Unfailing System of Wealth

God has created a wealth-generating system that cannot fail! It's where the gold is—right in the realm of business. Business is the only system that consistently creates true wealth.

Jesus said, "Engage in business until I come." (Luke 19:13 ESV). This is a direct instruction to us. Business, at its core, is the exchange of goods or services for profit or economic gain. It's an ongoing, divine system—a continual flow of wealth into the hands of the righteous.

Now, I'm not suggesting that everyone is called to own a business, but we all engage in business in one form or another, whether through our jobs, purchases, or investments. Money is essential to life, and desiring it isn't selfish—it's necessary.

God commands us to subdue the earth and have dominion over its resources. To achieve this, we must embrace ownership. True wealth, the kind that God intends for us, comes through understanding and operating within His system of wealth.

MADAM F$NANCE is dedicated to providing valuable insights and practical advice to help you navigate the complexities of business finance. For more tips and resources, stay tuned to our blog!

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📝About LaKeisha LaGrande (MADAM F$NANCE): 

Natural Living by Design II Founder and CEO 🎓 Insurance Professional 👩🏽‍💼Online Marketer 📈Sales Professional 🤑  Motivational Speaker🎤  Leader 👑 Personal Branding Specialist 🥇Business Mentor 👩🏽‍💼 Investor 💸 Philanthropist 🤲

Who is LaKeisha?

LaKeisha LaGrande's entrepreneurial journey began at 16, selling beepers and pagers door-to-door. Despite life's challenges, including a divorce and rebuilding her financial stability while raising two children, LaKeisha's determination never wavered. By age 26, she owned a successful soul food restaurant and later paid off her home within seven years.

LaKeisha holds two Bachelor of Science degrees in Finance and Computer Information Systems and a Master’s in Business Administration. She honed her financial expertise at JP Morgan Chase, earning her Series 6 and 63 licenses. Passionate about helping others, she has guided over a thousand individuals and small businesses in areas like insurance, legal matters, and Medicare.

In 2019, LaKeisha launched Natural Living by Design II, a family-owned, minority supplier of health and wellness products. Through her tenacity, the business thrived during the pandemic, getting their top-selling natural crystal deodorant mist into 20 Michigan stores. LaKeisha’s resilience and entrepreneurial spirit continue to inspire, solidifying her as a leader in business and finance.



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